Đặt câu với từ "was forgotten|be forgotten"

1. Long forgotten! where forgotten?

2. We would all be forgotten.

3. You will not be forgotten .

4. The film was quickly forgotten.

5. They have forgotten Allah; so He hath forgotten them.

6. The convention itself was a blessing never to be forgotten.

7. Myrtle Wilson's tragic achievement was forgotten.

8. Being forgotten.

9. Admittedly not all was forgotten or forgiven.

10. Their everlasting humiliation will not be forgotten.

11. They will not be abandoned or forgotten.

12. Old love will not be forgotten

13. Hitler's heinous crimes will never be forgotten.

14. In fact, it was all but forgotten.

15. The forgotten man!

16. Have you forgotten that?

17. Isolated but Not Forgotten

18. I'd forgotten the salary.

19. Your part in this shall not be forgotten

20. Forgotten what medieval torture high heels can be.

21. Their kindness and consideration will not be forgotten.

22. Long absent, soon forgotten.

23. In a way, it was determined to never let his example be forgotten.

24. I've long since forgotten what our quarrel was about.

25. Everyone is certainly forgotten.”

26. Oh, I'd nearly forgotten.

27. “Forgotten Victims” Are Remembered

28. Soon learnt, soon forgotten.

29. Seldom seen, soon forgotten.

30. Because it appears at times to be almost forgotten.

31. Shoot! I've forgotten my book!

32. What would one have to do not to be forgotten?

33. You forgotten we trained together?

34. She'd forgotten the time difference.

35. Not a single line was missed, not an action forgotten.

36. Bykov had forgotten that Malinin was something of a puritan.

37. If you win silver Sooner or later you'll be forgotten

38. She was ( a bit ) miffed that he'd forgotten her name.

39. One group of people seems to be forgotten, namely pensioners.

40. The Batwa: Rwanda's forgotten minority

41. I'd forgotten the genetic manipulation.

42. Injuries may be forgiven, but not forgotten. Aesop 

43. Fuck! I've forgotten my keys!

44. Or have you already forgotten?

45. Describing the experience, Cooper wrote "Africa was a place to forget and be forgotten in."

46. Ronald may be lost to us, but he will never be forgotten.

47. I must've forgotten all about that.

48. I've forgotten where they live exactly.

49. Oh Lord! I've forgotten the tickets!

50. Lynch's tireless efforts to help the homeless will not be forgotten.

51. The American people had forgotten there ever was a threat.

52. Her face is not easily forgotten.

53. Burnt is one of the forgotten films that he wrote, and I can see why it’s forgotten

54. The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became truth.

55. He Anthologizes "forgotten" fiction

56. I'm sorry, I've forgotten your name.

57. Reading this special letter is an experience never to be forgotten.

58. Then he'll see he's not forgotten.

59. It has been a forgotten backwater.

60. His name flitted through my mind,only to be forgotten again.

61. At Churn, we sure haven’t forgotten

62. Without integrity, honesty is often forgotten.

63. Someone's forgotten to flush the toilet.

64. He's forgotten how to play snooker.

65. The Aiel have forgotten the true source of their disgust for the Tuatha’an, forgotten that the Way of the Leaf was not always abhorrent to them

66. Alexander T. Stewart: The Forgotten Merchant Prince.

67. 21 I've forgotten where they live exactly.

68. You've forgotten my birthday again, you brute!

69. Yet he had not ‘forgotten God’s regulations.’

70. This council has forgotten its very purpose.

71. Or have you forgotten your own blood?

72. Well, what happens to these forgotten memories?

73. What a nuisance! I've forgotten my ticket.

74. Have you forgotten who you're riding with?

75. I'm sorry, I have forgotten your name.

76. I've forgotten my umbrella - what a nuisance!

77. I'm sorry(Sentencedict.com), I've forgotten your name.

78. How could I have forgotten about Yan?

79. Pain is forgotten where gain follows. 

80. I had naturally forgotten the joking wager.